22 March 2010

News gunk 2

The best thing about writing braingunk is the feedback I get from you the readers.  As you can imagine, holding down a full time job in the day and a full time drinking habit in the evening isn't easy, and trying to be creative (and lucid) in the gaps between, is no walk in the park.  What makes it worth doing though is the great messages I get from you, so I just wanted to say thank you for your continued readership and support. 

No doubt there's a million and one things that fill your day, so it's quite flattering you find the time to drop by and take a little dip in the braingunk once in a while.  And with that in mind I'm pleased to announce that the braingunk pool is about to get a little bigger and better. 

The search for additional contributors is off to a good start.  Mike Elliot an accomplished artist, designer and writer, has expressed an interest in both pumping out some random braingunk and taking on some of the writing for "Mystery Circus". 

"What the hell is Mystery Circus?", they all screamed. Well that's the current working title for braingunk's comedy, illustrated serial drama concept.  The (probably) bi-monthly publication that will introduce you to the amazing talents (and exquisite brown corduroy jacket collection) of temporally displaced and permanently under appreciated private investigator Gary Mason in his fight against the totally sinister, and quite possibly evil "Global Criminal Activity Syndicate" (GCAS).  

Pencilled in to help take care of the illustrations (did ya see what I did there) is Jaid Mindang, multi talented art master and art director of the ultra cool Curve Studios.  Rumours that Mystery Circus will be available both on-line and in a limited edition printed format can not at this time be confirmed.

In further news, the construction of a new website infrastructure for braingunk has begun.  The new site will hopefully move braingunk out of the "just another blog" category into a more professional and expandable magazine style environment.  We'll be having a party once we go live and yes there will be cake, but it's going to take a while to get things up and running so don't start starving yourself in anticipation just yet.

Amazing braingunk fact 1:
This post (along with many others) was written, edited and posted exclusively while riding on trains through a magic combination of wires, old laptops and mobile phones. 

Amazing braingunk fact 2:
No wifi connection has ever been used at any stage in bringing you the braingunk.

And that as they say... is the news. 
