12 March 2010

News gunk

Greetings gunk junkies,  just a short post today to let you know how all the various braingunk projects are coming along.  This is the first time braingunk has published a "news" piece, so read it… it's bloody history in the making ;)

The Encyclopedia of Lies
The most serious (although ridiculous) project at the moment continues to grow.  Adding entries every day is still both easy and fun and a great fall back when I find myself in one of those "I can't think of anything to write" moments.  Getting a few new ideas from a friend as well who's turning out to have quite an eye for the bizarre.

New Writer/s
I'm looking for a second writer to regularly contribute to braingunk and anyone who'd like to maybe just send in the odd article.  If you're interested or know someone who might be then get in contact.  Applicants should have something to say and should not be afraid to say it.

ELO Out of the Blue Project
This project is slowly but steadily growing, with about one new member per day, and a steady trickle of new photos, which is great.  Keep em coming.

Click Here to visit the Project Facebook page.

Blog Layout
There are plans afoot to change the graphic layout and look of braingunk... still finding it difficult to find a good theme though.

Level4 Magazine Short Story
I was recently asked if I would like to submit a short story for a printed magazine called Level4.  The magazine bills itself as "the magazine for culture vultures" and is a great outlet and forum for creatives of all types.  The editor, who is an old friend, dropped the bombshell though that if they were to publish a story, it could be no longer than 500 words.   Another writer who was there at the time stated that they would find it very difficult to convey anything in 500 words , but I leapt at the challenge eagerly.

The story is now finished and to be honest getting it to fit into 500 words was indeed quite a task, but it's done now and I'm quite proud of it.  It's called The Familiar Stranger and once I have cleared it with Level4 I will publish it here for you to read.

Click Here to visit the Level 4 Facebook group.

The braingunk store sale is now finished and to be honest sales were a little disappointing and when I say disappointing I mean almost nonexistent.  The store is due for a major overhaul soon and many shirt designs are going to be removed and consigned to the vault, so if there's something you've had your eye on for a while, grab it soon before it vanishes. 

Click Here to jump to the store.

Gunk Buddies
And while we're on the subject of the store, I'm pleased to announce the "gunk buddies" section is now up and running.  There are currently three of braingunk's buddies with their own shirts, mugs, bags and items available through the braingunk storefront.

Click Here to visit the gunk buddies.

Graphic Designs
It might surprise you to know that braingunk has dabbled in a little graphic design from time to time.  Usually just for friends and never for a profit (heaven forbid).  The latest efforts have been for The Ferrier Operatic Society promoting their latest production of The Sorcerer.

Click Here to find out more about their show and get a glimpse at the braingunk poster.

Mystery Circus
Still in discussions with various people about this retro inspired, modern day, pseudo comedy Victorian crime serial, now possibly to be done in comic form.  Will keep you posted.

And that's about it for now.  Once again thanks for reading braingunk and thanks for all your emails, messages and comments.  Will squirt more braingunk at you when there's more to squirt.